There are some fundamentals that you must possess in order to be a successful horse event judge:
· Integrity, this above all else is required. The rest can be learned.
· Complete and clear understanding of the rules governing the event you wish to judge.
· The procedures required to successfully judge an event.
I’ve judged gaited horses since about 1985 with very few problems. I can relay some of my experiences in this text to maybe help someone else to become a good judge.
When I decided to become a judge it was because I saw some things going on in the show ring different places that prompted me to do this. I saw the need for unbiased and educated horse event judges. I did not become a judge for the money or prestige. You have to be very honest with yourself. If either of these reasons are yours then don’t bother.
I don’t feel that one can judge effectively an event in which one has not competed. Get some experience competing before you take the test. When you are confident that you know the class procedures then seek out judges and ask to apprentice under them. Most judges are more than willing to help someone who sincerely is seeking a judge’s license for the right reasons. Some of the best judges are those who will continue to compete while maintaining a judges card. It takes a lot of experience in the show ring to become a good judge. Remember this, “Judge not lest ye be Judged”. Competing occasionally is very good for keeping one humble.
Study the appropriate rule book until you know it well enough to find something quickly should a problem or question arise during the event at which you are officiating.
When you are judging don’t look above the saddle except for judging the equitation of the rider. It doesn’t matter if it is your worst enemy or your best friend riding. Don’t let either have any effect on your placements.
When you are called to judge make your first question be “Will you send me your rules in advance of the event”. Then you can work out the salary, travel, lodging, etc. Make sure you are qualified to judge their event before you accept the job.
The horse show world is always in need of judges with good moral character and knowledge. Stay focused and don’t allow your feelings to be carried on your shoulder. Someone will always be ready to confront you with opposition. This is why you need to be confident that you know the rules as well as anyone.
“If you know the rules, you can play the game” Rick Gates