Frog Under Glass

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013

"Frog Under Glass" A friend sent me this picture after visiting his daughter in Texas.  While visiting her he walked out on the back porch and saw this frog in the dogs water dispenser.  He brought it to her attention and she replied, oh he’s always in there.  She’d take him out and he’d find his way back in.  She put him out in a “kiddy pool” some 50 yards away the day my friend left and went back to Florida.  Shortly after he arrived back in Florida he got an email with this picture and a quick note “He’s Back”.

Membership Meeting

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

Please come prepared to have a group picture made at the General Membership meeting on Oct 26th.  The picture we have now scares me every time I open that page.

Rick Gates

Welcome to GCFTHA’s first Blog

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

Thank you for stopping by!!!  As you might have guessed this site is under construction.

I thank you for your patience.  If you have any helpful hints or suggestions this is the place

to fire away.  All input is greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!